
Hello and welcome!!! 
Thank you so much for stopping by to read my humble blog! I would like to introduce myself a bit. I'm Antonella Rose. I do like my first name, but I also like my middle name so I decided to use it on my blog instead, because otherwise she doesn't get much of a look in. Yep, I've a split personality. ;P (Actually not really, but it sounds cool.) Rose is the girl who likes to sit at the computer and write, read blogs, and other long computer-y stuff. Anton, on the other hand, may or may not be the completely crazy person most other people meet. At least I think I'm crazy. I'm not sure... But still Anton likes life. Most of the time. She doesn't like to waste hours on computers turning her eyes square, whereas I'm not so sure about Rose.
Here are a few facts about me.
1. First  of all, I am a Christian, and Jesus is my Lord and Saviour.
2. I live on seventeen acres of dirt. Ok, maybe a little bit more than dirt. :D
3. I personally own two goats and two smooth coat chihuahuas. ( not my own choice of dog, but I do love them to bits. Might show you a picture or two sometime.) And seven Khaki Campbell ducks
4. I play the violin. And barely any piano.
5. I do indeed have thirteen siblings. ( I'm the tenth if you wanted to know ) Eight boys and six girls all together. 
6. I like to cross stitch.
7. I share my bedroom with my three sisters. Causes a bit of friction between the neat and the not so neat. 
8. I'm an aunty to nine. Three nieces and six nephews.
9. I'm half Italian with a little Scottish way back.
10. Oh, and I'm homeschooled! And I love it!! Very important facts there. 
11. I have brown hair with a little wave in it and brown eyes. I have glasses, because I like to see who I'm talking to, and to see more than three meters in front of me. (Y'know it's kinda nice being able to see. ;P) 
12. Drum roll for the last fact..... I like to read. 
You can also jump to this other post about me, but I'm pretty sure it says mostly the same thing. I created this blog mainly to write. I'm not much of a writer normally, but I wanted to try a little harder and see where it went. So I aim to write once a week, but there are definitely no promises there. (My life is so unpredictable) 
But I hope you enjoy it while you're here. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS, BECAUSE I REALLY LIKE THEM!!!!!!! and it's nice to see who drops by. I think that's all. 
See ya around!!
Antonella Rose


  1. Hey Anton, I like you story so far it's quite good and getting interesting, can't wait for you to finish it

    1. Hello Est, thanks for taking time to comment! I'm glad you're liking it. :D
