Tuesday 31 January 2017

Welcome To Rose's Realm!!!

Hello everyone,
   Here is my new blog! I really like it and I hope you do too. I would firstly like to thank Jane oh so very much for helping me make it. I couldn't have done it without her instructions. Thank you Jane!!!
Now I don't have much to say because I've already said most of it on my other blog. But I will say this... It's hot. Agreed? Yep, it's hot. Very. I don't know how animals cope outside. Sometimes I think it would be cool to be an sea creature. If you could be a sea creature for a day what would you be and how would you spend your day? I think I would be a dolphin. And I would explore the secrets of the deep where no man has gone before. And surf the waves, jumping out of the water, generally having a good old time. What about you?
I must go attend to a poor sickly goat who does unfortunately have to be outside. And she isn't coping very well. Actually neither am I, and I'm inside. ;) I think I'll survive though :P
Antonella Rose.


  1. Woohooo!! *throws confetti* Welcome to the blogging world Anton!!!

    1. Awwwww thanks Jane!! Feels good to be here. =D

  2. Hi!
    I have no idea how I found your space on the interweb, but it's nice to be here.
    I see you once had another blog; I don't think I ever saw it, but I look forward to reading more about you on here.

    But here's your second welcome to he blogging world! I hope you enjoy your stay.


    1. Hi Steph!
      I had another blog on my father's website which I only started writing on recently.
      I hope it is an enjoyable read for you. :)
      Thank you!! The blogging world is so friendly!! I think I'm gonna like it here. =D
