Friday 7 April 2017

Broken Computer

   So our computer is broken. Yep, broken. So I can't do much since I can only use Mum's IPad. If I was more organised I could have written the next instalment on this, but I only thought about it today. My apologises. 
    Instead I'll write quickly about a concert I did on Wednesday. My music teacher puts on a concert every term, and this term I played a song on my violin. The theme of the concert was courage. You were supposed to play something that wasn't too easy. I played Concerto in la minore by Alberto Curci. It was four pages long and a felt a little bit too long, but I think it was alright. I was nervous at the beginning and you could tell because my playing sounded shaky. But after a few bars I was better.   My teacher accompanied me. It was only the second time I'd played the song to the piano. People said it was good so I'll take their words for it.
   In farewell I'll tell you some good news. I'm getting my braces off in June!!! Okay that is still quite a way off, but I'm still excited about it. It'll be weird not having them anymore. I have had them for two years and three months. That seems like a really long time when you write it down.
   Anyway, see ya!!
   Antonella Rose


  1. Oh dear. o-o Dead computers aren't good. :P

    I'm looking forward to the next instalment though. *nods*

    1. I agree entirely. Hopefully my dad and Ali can fix it soon.
      It's been awhile now since we've heard of Poppy hasn't it? oops.
      Will get onto that asap.
